Monday, November 28, 2011

I recently did a presentation on some of the reading I have been doing on web 5.0 the personalization of the internet. The whole filter video above is a wonderful introduction to the topic. If you enjoy the video and enjoy learning about new technology and the world we live in ted is an amazing organization which provides hundreds of educational videos to the curious and intellectual mind.

Apart from the video there are some good places to find concrete information on the topic. The first place I think you should all go is Eli Pariser's official website the filter bubble. If you are really interested and have a spare $12 dollars Pariser's book can be purchased at Amazon. I have a collection of three good articles: Mashable (a premier tech orientated news affiliate) TIME, and Slate

After you have done a bit of research on the topic you may want to know what can be done to eliminate the negative effects of the filter bubble. 10 things you can do is a practical guide to popping your bubble.

I hope this helps you! Thank you once again for your interest in this topic. And to show my gratitude here is a nice picture of Cats. (lets face it - this is what the internet does best)

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